Te Ako ki Taiātea: Learning at Taiātea
E Puta ki Taiātea: Our vision aims to ensure that Ngā Taiātea students are empowered by our past and present to lead in the future. The Manu Tāiko Taiātea graduate is committed to serve, uplift and lead our people.
Te Ako ki Taiātea (Learning in Taiātea): Learning at Nga Taiatea aims to ensure that all students have strong learning (values, skills and attitudes) foundations while also striving to support students to follow their passions and interests.
The Wharekura model is similar to that of a waka that has three Takere (Hulls). These Takere are;

Takere Aronui
(Learning through Taiātea Programmes and Modules)
Students are in small whānau led by a Kaiārahi (Learning Adviser). Students identify their passions, goals and set out learning plans to acheive their goals.
Takere Whānau
(Learning through Whānau)
Takere Hapori
(Learning in and Contributing to the Community)
Students learn in the real world through mahinga wheako (internships) as well as university, polytech,correspondence and online courses.
Ngā Kiato
Key learning focuses throughout Ngā Taiātea Wharekura; Pūkenga Ako (Learning Capabilities), Uaratanga (Core Values), Tukuihotanga (Tainui/Maori Culture and Heritage), Ara Motuhake (Catering to Individual Needs and Passions)