Te Hapori o Taiātea: Our people, our community

The kaupapa of Ngā Taiātea Wharekura was further developed in 2015. Below states what is essential at Ngā Taiātea Wharekura to ensure that our rangatahi are grounded in their Mâoritanga (Ancestrally Driven) and are well prepared to learn, lead and serve in the future (Future Focused).

The Ngā Taiātea Vision is firmly focused on the statement in Ngâti Mâhanga history which is; E PUTA ki TAIATEA. This statement expresses our vision for all students, staff and whanau to ACHIEVE our Full POTENTIAL.

Our Ethos, Vision, Mission, Values and Culture

Ngā Kupu Arahi: Our Ethos
No Onamata te Mauri, Kei Anamata te Aronga! (Ancestrally Driven, Future Focused).
Te Oati: Our Plea
Te Whakakitenga: Our Vision
E PUTA: Our Tauira will be empowered to Grow and Achieve (PUTA) in an environment where they will be;
  • Future Proofed with 21st Century Learning Capabilities P :
    • Pukenga Ako
  • Strong in Character moulded by our Core Cultural Values U :
    • Uaratanga
  • Confident in their Identity, Language and Culture as Tainui, as Maori T :
    • Tukuihotanga
  • Purposeful in Learning and Life through Self Determined Pathways A :
    • Ara Whai Oranga
* Ancestrally Driven = Tukuihotanga + Uaratanga *Future Focused = Ara Whai Oranga + Pukenga Ako
Te Whainga Matua: Our Mission

KI TAIATEA: To Empower Tauira to reach their Full Potential as Maori Achievers, Servers and Leaders.

Ngā Taiātea will ensure that our Tauira; Gain Strength from their Identity as Tainui, and as Uri of other Iwi. TAI : Kia TAInui/Maori

  • Set their own Unique, Passions focused Pathway A :
    • Kia Whai Ara:
  • Self-Belief is Nurtured and Affirmed. T :
    • Kia Tu Tangata:
  • Celebrate their Growth, Discovery, and Success EA :
    • Kia EA
Ngā Uaratanga: Our Values

We will be guided by our core cultural values (Poutu Whakaaro) in all that we do. We will value;

  • Pono (Honesty and Dependability)
  • Tauutuutu (Reciprocity and Giving)
  • Whanaungatanga (Family and Relationships)
  • Kawenga (Responsibility)
  • Aroha (Respect, Care and Love)
To Tatou Ahurea: Our Culture

Ngā Taiātea will nurture our Tauira to Achieve (PUTA) their potential in a Maori cultural environment where learning requires us;

  • To Have:  To Be; Kia Whai;
  • Purpose: Focused and have High Expectations PU TAKE:
  • Passion: Driven and Inspired PU MANAWA NUI:
  • Plan: Prepared, Well Organised and Adaptable PU RITE:
  • Perseverance: Committed and Hard Working PU OKE:
  • Prosperity: Motivated to Achieve Goals PU RANGATIRA:

KA TAEA E TATOU! Te Puea: Ki te moemoea ahau, ko au anake. Ki te moemoea tatou, ka taea e tatou. Te Puea stated that if I have a dream, it is mine alone. If we all share a dream, together we can succeed! By working together (Te Iwi/Whanau, Kaimahi, Akonga, me nga Roopu Tautoko), we can achieve our Vision. Ka taea e tatou! Together we can achieve!

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